Tuesday, November 29, 2011

chilly day at the beach

chilly day at the beach + shortsleeves = one cold little 11 year old guy. i felt terrible, he was shivering almost the whole time, but what a trooper!!! we shot the Rosners down at Treasure Island beach park in Laguna, and we JUST beat the rain. Thanks, guys, for hanging in there and being such great sports! 

Friday, November 11, 2011

Park Fun

I recently had the pleasure of capturing these two cuties, Abby & Sam, at an awesome park in Irvine. We fed some ducks, had some races, played on the swings and threw some huge leaves in the air (and we let our cousins tag along... my Jay and Jax) One of the objects of the shoot was to get Sam-mo SANS BINKY! I think we got some good ones :)